JSPA project
- Project - Youth policy state program 2022-2024 "Support for initiatives for inclusion of young people with limited opportunities in society"
- Project name “Together here and now!”
- Project is happening 01.08.2022.-31.01.2023.
- Project expemses 6944,16 EUR
- Financed by Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra
- Project manager Dace Ikauniece, +371 20121129
- The aim of the project is to support 10 young people from Ikšķile neighborhood who have physical and mental disabilities and other serious health problems. The aim is to integrate them in the local youth community and to promote the understanding and positive attitude towards young people with functional disabilities.
Main activities:
- 8 different classes (2 culinary, 2 art, 2 modern dances, 1 improvisation and 1 experimental class), during which young people will have the opportunity to get to know each other, understand and make friendships, as well as the opportunity to identify their interests, abilities and talents, create interests groups for long-term joint activities.
- During the implementation process a movie will be made. The theme, script, and filming process itself will be invented and created by the young people who participate in the project.
- Event presenting the movie.
Project NewS